Understanding Your Homeowners Insurance Policy this Hurricane Season

Homeowners insurance is essential for protecting your home against unforeseen events. Understanding your policy, what it covers and what it excludes—is crucial to ensuring you’re adequately protected and avoiding unnecessary expenses. This guide will help you navigate your homeowners insurance policy by highlighting the importance of reading your policy documents, asking questions, and taking preventive measures to maintain your home.

What Your Typical Homeowners Insurance Policy Covers

Homeowners insurance policies typically cover a range of events, protecting you from significant financial loss. Common covered events include:

  • Storms – Policies usually cover damage from hurricanes, windstorms, and other severe weather conditions.
  • Hail Damage – Hail can cause significant damage to roofs, windows, and siding.
  • Fire – Fire damage is one of the primary risks covered by homeowners insurance.
  • Falling Objects – This includes damage from falling tree branches or other objects.
  • Vandalism – Coverage for intentional damage caused by others.

Understanding these covered events is vital for ensuring your policy meets your needs. However, it’s equally important to know what is not covered.

Common Insurance Policy Exclusions

Not all damages are covered by homeowners insurance. Common exclusions include:

  • Normal Wear and Tear – Insurance policies typically do not cover damages resulting from normal aging or usage of your home.
  • Construction Defects – Issues resulting from poor construction practices are generally excluded.
  • Foundation Failure – Structural problems with the foundation are often not covered.
  • Pet and Animal Damage -Damage caused by pets or other animals is usually excluded.
  • Mold and Fungus – Coverage for mold and fungus is often limited or excluded entirely.

Understanding these exclusions is crucial to avoid unexpected costs.

The Importance of Reading Your Policy DocumentsHomeowners Insurance

Synergy Insurance Group prides itself on transparency and customer service for its policyholders. Whoever your insurance company is, when you receive your homeowners insurance policy documents, it’s important to read them closely. By doing so, you agree to all the terms and conditions at the commencement of your policy and each year when it renews. Key reasons to read your policy documents include:

  • Clarifying Coverage – Ensure you understand what is and isn’t covered so you’re not caught off guard when filing a claim.
  • Identifying Exclusions – Know the limitations of your policy to plan for additional coverage if necessary.
  • Understanding Responsibilities – Be aware of your obligations, such as maintaining your home to prevent damage.

If you have any questions about your policy, do not hesitate to ask your insurance agent for clarification. It’s their job to help you understand your coverage fully.

Understanding your homeowners insurance policy is crucial to saving money and ensuring you’re adequately protected. By knowing what is covered and excluded, reading your policy documents carefully, asking questions, and performing regular maintenance, you can avoid costly surprises and keep your home in excellent condition. Remember, a well-maintained home is not only a safe home but also a financially sound investment. If you’re still looking for quality home insurance coverage, you can request a quote here or search for one of our Synergy Insurance Group trusted agency partners.

Seasonal Home Maintenance Tips for Florida Residents: Summer Edition

At Synergy Insurance Group, we understand the unique challenges Florida homeowners face, especially during the hot and humid summer months. To keep your home in top shape and avoid common insurance claims, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance tasks tailored to the season. Here are some crucial summer home maintenance tips for Florida residents.

1. Air Conditioning Maintenance

Clean and Replace Filters

  • Why: Clogged filters reduce efficiency and can lead to system failure.
  • How: Check and replace filters monthly. Clean reusable filters regularly.

Professional HVAC Check-Up

  • Why: Ensures optimal performance and prevents unexpected breakdowns.
  • How: Schedule a professional inspection and servicing before the peak summer heat.

2. Roof and Gutter Inspection

Inspect and Repair Roof

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

  • Why: Prevents water damage and foundation issues.
  • How: Clear debris from gutters and ensure downspouts direct water away from your home.

3. Pest Control

Seal Entry Points

  • Why: High temperatures and humidity attract pests indoors.
  • How: Inspect and seal cracks, gaps, and holes in walls, windows, and doors.

Yard Maintenance

  • Why: Overgrown vegetation can harbor pests.
  • How: Trim bushes, mow the lawn regularly, and remove standing water where mosquitoes breed.

4. Hurricane Preparedness

Inspect and Reinforce Windows and Doors

  • Why: Prevents wind and water damage during storms.
  • How: Check for gaps and cracks. Install storm shutters or impact-resistant windows if necessary.

Check and Secure Outdoor Furniture

  • Why: Loose items can become dangerous projectiles.
  • How: Secure or store outdoor furniture, grills, and other items that can be picked up by strong winds.

5. Plumbing Check-Up

Inspect for Leaks

  • Why: Humidity and heat can exacerbate plumbing issues.
  • How: Check for leaks in hoses, faucets, and pipes. Repair any issues promptly to prevent water damage.

Clean and Maintain Drains

  • Why: Prevents clogs and backups.
  • How: Use natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar to clean drains. Avoid chemical drain cleaners that can damage pipes.

6. Electrical System Maintenance

Check and Replace Worn-Out Wiring

  • Why: Prevents fire hazards.
  • How: Inspect all visible wiring for wear and tear. Consider a professional inspection for hidden wiring.

Surge Protection

  • Why: Protects appliances from power surges during thunderstorms.
  • How: Install surge protectors on major appliances and consider a whole-house surge protection system.

7. Exterior Maintenance

Pressure Wash Exterior Surfaces

  • Why: Removes mold, mildew, and dirt buildup.
  • How: Pressure wash siding, driveways, and patios. Be cautious not to damage surfaces.

Paint Touch-Ups

  • Why: Protects against weather damage.
  • How: Touch up any chipped or peeling paint to protect your home’s exterior from the elements.

8. Fire Safety

Check Smoke Detectors

  • Why: Ensures early detection of fires.
  • How: Test smoke detectors monthly and replace batteries at least once a year.

Create a Fire Safety Plan


By performing these summer-specific home maintenance tasks, Florida homeowners can protect their property from the unique challenges posed by the state’s climate. Regular maintenance not only helps in preventing common insurance claims but also ensures that your home remains a safe and comfortable haven throughout the year. Stay proactive and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained home. Remember, Synergy Insurance Group is here to support you every step of the way.


Understanding Flood Insurance in Florida: Why It’s Essential Even in Dry Season

Living in Florida means enjoying sunny days and warm weather, but it also means dealing with the risk of flooding. Many homeowners ponder, “How much does flood insurance cost?” They often doubt its necessity during dry months. Let’s clear up these doubts and stress why flood insurance remains crucial all year round.

How Much is Flood Insurance?

The answer varies. Factors like your home’s location, its elevation, and the local flood risk determine the cost. Yet, the expense is minor compared to the potential damage a flood can cause. Even minor flooding can lead to expensive repairs, overshadowing the cost of your annual insurance premium. According to Forbes Home, the average cost of water damage restoration is between $1,300 and $5,600.

A widespread belief is that insurance for flooding matters only during rainy seasons or for homes near the coast. However, floods don’t schedule their appearance; they can happen anytime, affecting homes miles inland. Florida’s geography and closeness to water sources make it vulnerable to flooding year-round, not just during storms or hurricanes.

Understanding Homeowners Insurance

Many assume their standard homeowners insurance covers flood damage. This is a costly misunderstanding. Flood insurance is a separate policy specifically designed to cover flood-related damages. Without it, you’re on your own to handle repair costs after a flood, which can be financially devastating.

Climate Change and Dry SeasonFlood Insurance

Climate change has made weather patterns less predictable. What’s traditionally seen as the “dry season” in Florida can still bring heavy rains and flooding. This unpredictability underscores the need for continuous insurance coverage. It’s about being prepared, financially and mentally, for any weather event.

Flood insurance is indispensable for Florida homeowners, even when the skies are clear. It’s not just about the cost but about protecting your home and peace of mind against unexpected flooding. When considering the expense of this type of insurance, think about the higher cost of unpreparedness. Flood insurance ensures you’re ready, no matter the weather, safeguarding your home and your financial well-being. Let us help you with a Flood Insurance Quote today.

Autumnal Care: Navigating Fall Home Maintenance in Florida

Autumn in Florida is a subtle transition, softly nudging the boundaries of a seemingly endless summer with mild whispers of cooler breezes. While the quintessential fall transformations are minimal, homeowners still need to adjust their maintenance practices to ensure their homes are well-kept and prepared for seasonal changes. Here’s a guide to fall home maintenance tailored to meet the specific needs of Florida residents. Read more

Top 10 Hurricane Resources in South Florida

Hurricane Resources

South Florida’s stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and sunny climate are alluring, but the region is no stranger to the annual threat of hurricanes. This blog covers the top 10 essential hurricane resources in South Florida, empowering you to weather the storm with confidence.

Read more

Spring Cleaning for Safety: Change the Clocks, Change the Plan

You’ve changed the clocks and been bitten by the spring cleaning bug. While you’re in the throes of all that cleaning, take a moment to add these general safety tips onto your honey-dos. From the ceilings to the medicine cabinets, now is a great time to make your home as safe as possible for the new season. Here are a few ideas to kickstart your plans. Read more

Are You Prepared For a Storm?

Preparing for a storm can be an undertaking that no one looks forward to, but being equipped when a storm hits can be invaluable. There is no better time than now to put a plan in place to protect you and your family. Below are some essential aspects to consider when storm is on the horizon.

Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit prepared is vital. It’s a great idea to always have an emergency kit on hand stocked with batteries, flashlights, first aid kit, and other essential emergency items for unexpected disasters. When a storm is approaching, other necessities should be stocked for your emergency kit in case of power outages. Some of these items should include water, non-perishable food items, prescription medicines, cash, and any other items that may may be needed. When considering items to include in your family’s emergency kit, you should also consider any unique needs of your family. If you have small children, you may need to have extra formula and diapers; if you have pets, make sure you have plenty of pet food on hand.

Financial Preparedness

Preparing your finances ahead of a storm could be one of the best financial decisions you’ll make. The recovery process after a disaster will take much longer if you don’t have immediate access to personal financial, insurance, medical, and other household records. Below are a few tips to prepare your financial disaster plan.

  1. Store important documents in a safety deposit box or in a cloud based storage to have easy access during a disaster.
  2. Consider creating an emergency fund that could be used in any crisis.
  3. Make sure you’re fully covered. Obtain property, health and life insurance if you don’t already have it, and review the policies. During storms, such as hurricanes, there are certain damages that your insurance may not cover, so make sure you understand what’s covered and what’s not covered.
  4. Document your assets. It’s a good idea to take photos or do a quick video walk-through of your home. You may not ever need it, but if you do have to file a claim, it is much smoother to have everything documented.


storm prep

Download your Disaster Preparedness Plan

It sounds simple, but it’s important to communicate with your whole family about what to do in certain scenarios to reduce stress and confusion.  When a storm makes landfall, where will you shelter? Will you stay in place or evacuate? Do you know your evacuation route? How will you receive storm updates if there is no power or internet? These are just a few of the questions to consider when creating a plan for your family. Having a plan in place ahead of time can reduce anxiety for the whole family. Download our Disaster Preparedness Plan to help you prepare for a storm.

For more resources to create your storm preparedness plan visit https://www.ready.gov.

Stock Up on Hurricane Supplies This Tax Free Holiday


The 2020 Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is here, from May 29th – June 4th. Unlike previous years, there is only ONE tax holiday for disaster preparedness supplies in 2020.  So it’s time to stock up on those high demand hurricane supplies and general household items. Because, don’t forget hurricane season starts on June 1st (what a crazy coincidence!) and a lot of disaster preparedness items are sales tax exempt during this time.

Hurricane Prep Savings Galore

When a hurricane hits, you don’t want to be scrambling to find these important disaster preparedness items. You can avoid long lines and a lot of stress by planning to pick up these top disaster preparedness items during the sales tax holiday. Click the image below to see the high demand tax free items.

While there are price limits on what you can buy, the range of emergency supplies isn’t half bad:

2020 Disaster Prep Sales Tax Holiday

Planning Ahead

Remember that the most common emergency items are always exempt from taxes, including first-aid kits, basic foodstuffs (including baby formula), bottled water, and prescription medications.

There’s little worse than running smack dab into an emergency without the supplies you need! Now is the time to get the fuel, food, and lighting you need if worst comes to worst. Don’t stand in line with everyone else, only to find out the items you need most are sold out. Prep for hurricane season now (without those pesky taxes!) and rest easy when the storm hits. You can get all the details of Florida’s Tax Free Holiday here as well.

storm season

Download your free Disaster Preparedness Plan Ebook here!

Synergy Insurance has been helping Floridians improve family safety for years, and we want to help you too—whether you’re a client or not! For more information about disaster prep, download our Disaster Preparedness Plan to learn more about what to do when a storm touches down. If you have any questions about how homeowners insurance can help you get the coverage you need to stave off the worst of the storm, call Synergy Insurance today.

Get Smart – Save Money On Home Insurance

Your homeowners insurance premium may seem like a relatively static bill in your life, especially if you’ve had your property for many years. But you probably have more control over it than you think. Home insurers want to see their clients are doing everything they can on their end to protect their property. And making just a few tweaks to your home security can leave you with some extra cash in your pockets. Here are 5 ways you can save money on your home insurance: Read more

Now Is The Time For Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance

Hurricane season is winding down, so it may seem like flood insurance should be the last thing on your mind. With the immediate danger in your rearview, it may even seem financially prudent to wait for another 10 months before you even consider it. But before you declare the discussion over, keep in mind that you may be selling yourself, your family, and your property short if you wait too long to act. Here are three big reasons to look into flood insurance today.

Binding Restrictions 

Florida homeowners insurance companies aren’t exactly itching to provide coverage to homeowners when there’s a major storm going on. The vast majority of insurers will impose what’s known as binding restrictions on new homeowner policies until the storm threat is well passed. This means that homeowners can’t get coverage once the storm starts to build or while there is lingering damage from continuing bad weather.

It’s why homeowners need to buy flood insurance early or risk facing the storm unprotected. Most flood policies take 30 days to go into effect from the time of payment unless the policy is condition of a home sale. If there are several big storms building off the coast of Florida, you can wind up being cut off from the market for longer than you realize.

It’s Cost-Effective 

When it comes to your personal ROI, few policies are as effective as flood insurance. It’s a relatively small investment for homeowners, costing just a little extra per month. And if you do sustain water damage to your home, you have a policy available that can put your home back in order. Considering flood damage can easily cause thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) to fix, flood policies maximize your spending in all the right ways.

Most insurance policies don’t cover flooding damage unless the homeowner specifically requests the clauses. But because policies are long and boring to read, many owners won’t even realize this until they call to file a claim. There is no worse feeling than to assume that your home can be fixed, only to find that you’ll need to pay out-of-pocket for the damages if you ever hope to return to your property.

Lesson From Past Storms 

When Panama City was hit, many outsiders looking in assumed it was the wind that caused all of the property destruction and massive devastation in the city. But those on the ground knew that much of the damage was really flooding. This is more than just a homeowner problem, it’s a city-wide problem. If people can’t get their homes fixed, then whole neighborhoods can descend into chaos.

It only takes an inch of water in a home to cause $25,000 in damages. And if you think you can rest easy because you’re located outside the designated flood zones, you may want to think again. One in five flood claims were filed by those who live outside the designated high-risk areas.

Flooding can be a scary prospect for any homeowner, but getting a flood quote doesn’t have to be. It only takes 5 minutes to fill out your information and receive a quote. We’ve made it even easier now! You can chat with an online agent to get your initial quote faster than ever. We’re here to protect you rain or shine, so let Synergy Insurance be YOUR insurance experts.