Can You Save Money On Your Car Insurance Today?

It’s easy to forget about your car insurance rates after you purchase it the first time. Autopay systems keep that bill out of sight, out of mind usually. But the truth is your rate was not set in stone when you purchased the first time, and rates can vary greatly from year to year and company to company. Synergy helps unsuspecting drivers save money every day by reevaluating their coverage and providing them with any possible discounts and the most up-to-date rates. Here are five of the most common factors that influence the price of your auto insurance. It  only takes a few minutes reach out to to a Synergy Insurance Group expert to evaluate your policy. Let’s see if we can put a little extra money back in your pocket.


Your local has a lot to do with how much you pay. If you live in an area with a relatively high rate of crime, you’re going to pay more than the safer neighborhood a few miles away. If you live in a particularly congested area with a lot of traffic, you’re more likely to get into an accident (which means you’ll pay more too). If you’ve recently moved to a safer area, it may be time to get a new quote.

Marital Status

Married couples can enjoy joint auto insurance, lumping their policy together to simplify their coverage. This little trick allows both parties to lower the cost of their premium. Couples may know the benefits of a joint checking account, but they may not realize they can also save on their insurance too. As a rule, the more insurance you buy, the more you save.  Plus, couples only have to keep track of one set of documents instead of two.

Driving Record

Have you been watching your speed lately? Making full stops at the sign? Treating school zones with the utmost of reverence? If it’s been a few years since you’ve gotten a ticket, you may be able to lower your rate considerably. The cost of your premium is directly tied to your driving record, so this can be an important step. If you still need a little help improving your driving record, we have a few tips that can help here.

Credit History

If you’ve been diligently paying off your debts and building up your financial goodwill, you may be eligible for lower auto insurance rates. A clean credit history is a sign of the insured’s reliability, which can translate to big savings.

Driving Habits

The more you’re on the road, the more likely it is that trouble can find you. If you’ve recently started driving less for any reason, you can update your information and lower your rate. So, if you recently changed job and your commute plummeted by 30 miles a day, you’ll want to reevaluate your current rates.Road Trip Ideas

When it comes to your rate, each aspect is rated differently (e.g., your marital status won’t be as important as your driving record). However, it is possible to lower your rate between 20% and 40% based on the above factors. Synergy Insurance can’t guarantee that everyone will qualify for lower rates, but it’s worth letting us give you a new auto insurance quote today to see what we can do. It’s definitely worth a shot!

Planning a road trip for your next family vacation? Feeling stressed or anxious before a road trip is common, but don’t let those jitters stop you from having a great trip! Our Road Trip Safety & Tips eBook is here to help make sure you, your family and vehicle are ready for what’s ahead. Between keeping the kids occupied, making sure your car is tuned up, and eating healthy on the road, we’ve got you covered for anything you may encounter. Keep this on hand for your next vacation and put those road trip jitters away for good!