Entries by Synergy Insurance

Careful Driving At Night

If you’re a fan of road trips, or driving at night in general, you understand the extra safety required to navigate dark roads. You might think you drive just as well at night, but consider this: Even though nighttime driving accounts for just 23% of vehicle miles traveled, more than 50% of fatalities for vehicle […]

The Truth About Flood Insurance

Flooding is the #1 ranked natural disaster in the country and yet, there are numerous common misconceptions about flood insurance that permeate in the United States, specifically in Florida. Make sure your home and property is protected in case of an emergency, as many residents live in coastal areas. Knowing the importance of flood insurance is the […]

What Do the Florida No-Fault Rules Mean for You?

Earlier this spring, a bill calling for the repeal of Florida’s long-standing, no-fault auto insurance system did not pass by Senate subcommittee. Since this bill is likely to resurface for further debate, we’ve gathered some facts and information to help you feel informed the next time it appears for voting. What Does No-Fault Even Mean? […]

Why is Commercial Liability Important?

As a business owner, you know that commercial liability insurance covers you from your own mistakes. Whether the mistake was real or only perceived as a mistake by a customer, liability insurance helps you out when you find yourself in legal hot water. If you’ve struggled to fully grasp just what a liability policy does […]

Essential Safety Tips for Nighttime Boating

If you own a boat (or better yet, as the joke goes, you know someone who does),  you’ve probably thought about spending some evenings on the water – especially in the summertime. It’s a great thought, of course. But, when you’re boating after dark in Florida, you need to think about staying safe, even as […]